3 signs it’s time for a new job

You’ve been working in the same role for a while and have a lingering feeling it might be time for a new job. Changing jobs can be a nerve-wracking process and as much as we’d like to be ‘sure’, we can’t always be. If you’re looking for more clarity on whether your gut feeling is […]
Finding Your First Job After University

You’ve spent most of your life studying, and you’re excited to find your first full time job. You might have heard a few different ideas about what to do when looking for a job, what salary to expect or overall what your first job might look like. If you feel lost about how to start […]
What to Ask in an Interview

There’s a common misconception that an interview is more about the Company getting to know you than the other way round. You might go to an interview nervous about saying the wrong thing, or leaving the ‘wrong’ impression and lose sight of one important thing – you are also interviewing them. Interviewers typically leave a […]
3 Reasons to Work With A Recruiter

Have you been struggling to find the right opportunity available on the market? Perhaps you’re feeling slightly demotivated, or even lost about the possibility of actually landing that dream job. This might be a sign for you to start working with a trusted recruiter to guide you through this journey. Here’s 3 reasons we think […]
Matching Personal and Company Values

How often do you look at the values of a company before you apply for one of their roles? Well we’re here to tell you that you should probably take a longer look at them, and here’s why; Values could give you a snapshot of what the culture is like The company’s values are what […]
What Not to Do on Your CV

Writing a CV always seems easier than when you actually set time aside to write it. It seems unnecessarily difficult to put into words what you really do in your day-to-day job. What you need to include in your CV is typically unique to your industry or job but there are some universal big ‘no-no’s’ […]